Pitch consulting – support in the pitch process and review of the marketing communication market

Searching for the right marketing communication partner to support your brand and campaign is very difficult and time-consuming. There are many agencies and entities on the market with various competences and various advertising specializations. It is difficult to decide which of them correspond to the needs and requirements of the client.

At Shortlist, we know the market, we help to select the right partners, carry out all stages of the pitch process and optimize the results in terms of quality and price.
We work with clients in the field of:

-full organization and coordination of the pitch process for the selection of a marketing communication agency
-support of the process at individual stages (e.g. needs analysis, long list, optimization of the pitch brief, determination of evaluation criteria, preparation of formal and legal documentation)
-support in the preparation of negotiation goals and negotiations
-audit and cost optimization (fees, production, media purchases)
-conducting a market review of the so-called “Open doors” allowing the client to learn about the scope of competences of a larger number of agencies in a short time

Building, analysis and optimization of relations with the agency

We work with high-class consultants, experienced in both marketing, business psychology and agency work, using transparent criteria and the agency / partner evaluation sheet therefor Shortlist together with the client:
– builds an optimal model of cooperation with the agency and supports the team in its implementation
– carries out the analysis, evaluates the activities carried out so far
– finds the answer how to solve a possible problem.

Shortlist helps in developing tools and models of cooperation with the agency, assessment sheets and motivation systems (bonus / malus) in order to rebuild relationships and overcome crisis situations.
We help build lasting relations between client the agency as we believe only this model will help build great brands.


The pitch in three acts - what an ideal tender process should look like. Training aimed at:

-showing the key areas of the integrated pitch process at every stage and from the perspective of all its participants,
-organizing and expanding knowledge, the spectrum of tender practices,
-providing tips and tools on how to conduct the process efficiently and complete it successfully,
-increasing competitiveness on the market,
-developing the skills of critical analysis of the tendering process,
-increasing efficiency, helping to create a knowledge base, skills and inspiration.

The program of the workshop is a response to problems related to communication in the team, especially feedback (its transmission and reception), with particular emphasis on critical information. This issue is also related to: communicating one’s needs and expectations, searching for solutions to problems, dealing with conflict situations.

During the workshop (usually OOO), we focus on:

  • Diagnosis of differences in individual styles of functioning based on Insights Profiles
  • Building a feedback culture
  • Problem / conflict resolution
  • “Overworking” selected problems reported by managers

As the workshop involves a lot of intellectual work and the topics that we will work on with the group require emotional involvement, additionally (optional), the workshop program includes activities focused on working with the body, breathing and deepening practices that help reduce stress and relieve tensions in the body and head (also those unconscious), maintaining internal balance and increasing creativity – incl. on the basis of yoga, pranayama


Mija dziewięć miesięcy przymusowej pracy zdalnej wywołanej pandemią Covid-19. Jesteśmy w trakcie kolejnego lock-downu i nie wiemy co się jeszcze wydarzy. Zarówno branża jak i pracownicy dotkliwie odczuwają konsekwencje pandemii. Na początku pierwszej fali pandemii firma doradcza Shortlist Consulting, wspólnie z DeLab UW i Brief przeprowadziła 3 edycje badania dotyczącego wpływu pandemii na branżę marketingową.

Pierwsza fala była zaskoczeniem i silnym uderzeniem w branżę, ale z nadejściem wiosny i okresu wakacyjnego poczuliśmy więcej optymizmu. Niemniej już wtedy Shortlist Consulting przygotowało serię działań mających na celu wsparcie pracowników branży marketingowej w tym trudnym okresie, spotkania eksperckie dla CMO, w tym z psychologiem biznesu Wojciechem Eichelbergerem czy też cykl spotkań przy jodze z trenerką Katarzyną Grupińską oraz cykl rozmów nt. książek z Anną Dziewit-Meller z
Jesień, zbliżająca się zima, krótkie dni i chłód nie sprzyjają dobremu samopoczuciu. Brak przewidywalności oraz spodziewane długofalowe przejście na system pracy zdalnej lub hybrydowej, home schooling, ect. wpływają niekorzystnie na stan emocjonalny pracowników, a co za tym idzie na ich motywację i efektywność.
Jako firma doradcza specjalizująca się we wsparciu branży komunikacji marketingowej w budowaniu i wdrażaniu strategii business development, doradztwie przetargowym czyli pomagająca klientom i agencjom poznać się, nawiązać współpracę i osiągnąć sukces w codziennej pracy, wiemy jak ważne jest zachowanie równowagi, koncentracji i motywacji.
W odpowiedzi na zaistniałą sytuację Shortlist Consulting, we współpracy z ekspertami z zakresu psychologii biznesu i well-being, stworzyło program wsparcia w dbaniu o równowagę, w radzeniu sobie ze stresem i zarządzaniu skutkami #newnormal dla pracowników branży marketingowej BE NORMAL IN #NEWNORMAL czyli JAK RADZIĆ SOBIE w nowej rzeczywistości


  • Na program składa się seria cyklicznych spotkań on-line
  • Spotkania odbywają raz w tygodniu, trwają 60 minut
  • Spotkania podzielone są na bloki:
    • Wykład ekspercki psychologa biznesu adresowany do zidentyfikowanych wyzwań
    • Zajęcia ruchowe wspomagające redukcję stresu (joga, oddychanie, medytacja)
    • Podsumowanie i zadania do domu: ćwiczenia ruchowe, techniki redukcji stresu rekomendacje „kulturalne” (lektury, filmy, programy)

Bonus: dodatkowe sobotnie zajęcia jogi w dwóch streamach; dla dorosłych i dla rodzin z dziećmi oraz możliwość indywidualnych spotkań coachingowych.

Szczegółowy program (tematyka poszczególnych sesji) odpowiada na wyzwania z jakimi mierzy się organizacja w #newnormal i powstaje w toku rozmów Klient-Shortlist Consulting,

  • Rozmów z kadrą zarządzającą
  • Rozmów z HR
  • Rozmów/ ankiet wśród pracowników


  • Zrozumienie mechanizmów związanych z #newnormal i ich wpływu na nasze samopoczucie
  • Poznanie technik radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami wynikającymi z #newnormal
  • Kontrola emocji, zwiększenie koncentracji zarówno w pracy jak i w życiu prywatnym
  • Większa motywacja do podejmowania wyzwań
  • Integracja – robimy coś razemKORZYŚCI DLA PRACODAWCY:
  • Zmotywowani i skoncentrowani pracownicy
  • Integracja zespołu
  • Wsparcie zespołu – lojalizacja pracowników
  • Większa kontrola nad procesami wewnątrz firmy

Dodatkowo możliwe:

  • sobotnie zajęcia jogi dla dorosłych 60 min
  • sobotnie zajęcia jogi dla rodzin z dziećmi 60 min
  • sesje coachingowe/mentoringowe one2one.


The workshop is aimed at all employees of the company and aims to diagnose and better understand the barriers and possible fields to improve relations and processes within the agency.

As a consequence of working during the workshop, the team and the company will develop better by working more efficiently and in a friendly atmosphere conducive to development.

When preparing the workshop, we combined two perspectives and key competences for a thorough understanding of the specificity of the work of a company / corporation / team and the psychological aspects of human / team.

Training aimed at:

-improving the ability to prepare for negotiations as the basis for the success of all cooperation,
-providing tips on how to read the offer in relation to the specification – brief,
showing the most frequently used bidder and offer evaluation criteria,
presentation of methods and tools for commercial and substantive comparison of offers,
-improving the skills of building a negotiation strategy,
-presentation of the most important aspects in contracting services from the category of marketing communication.

Training aimed at:

-building an effective client / agency relationship from the very first day of working together,
-getting to know the bands – it is all about human,
-understanding the goals and business challenges facing each party,
-defining the ideal model of cooperation (operationally and relational),
-developing activities that increase the effectiveness of cooperation between teams.

Training aimed at:

-learning about the rules and regulations of the advertising market, including the most important legal acts (NDA, contracts)
-copyright and intellectual property protection
-learning what soft-law, copy advice and pre-clearing are and when to use them,
-education of the ability to use the Code of Ethics in Advertising and industry codes,
-defining the ideal model of client / agency cooperation when creating ethical advertisements,
-developing procedures enabling early detection of potential threats.

Training aimed at:

-Understanding what a brief is
-Understanding why and who needs the brief
-Getting to know the rules of preparing an effective brief – what a good brief should and should not contain
-Getting to know the key elements of the brief – working on brief formats
-Getting to know how a brief for a current agency differs from a pitch brief
-Learning how to effectively brief an agency

  • -Leadership / team coaching for managerial staff – including recommendation of offers of companies / external consultants, in accordance with the specificity of the industry and the company’s needs;
    -Competences of the future – how to develop them in a team, how to recruit the right people “for the future”; the advantages of implementing a formal internal recruitment system.
    -Managing and motivating the team in the era of digitization and implementation of AI solutions – building the necessary competences as part of the agile organization concept; building a culture of appreciation vs existing methods of motivating; the role of the HR Business Partner;
    -Individual coaching or development workshop (for those interested);
    Multigenerational management (From Baby-Boomers to Gen Z) – benefits from establishing a constructive dialogue between people of different ages in the company (management board <=> managers <=> other team members);
    -Traditional periodic evaluation system vs real-time feedback; HR vs employee experience indicators – constant monitoring of commitment / satisfaction of team members.
    -HR trends in 2020+.
  • -Audit of activities carried out so far, analysis of their adjustment to the company’s business strategy, assessment of effectiveness;
    -Employee / co-worker engagement survey. A survey tailored to the needs (and capabilities) of the company;
    -Research (or workshop) with the participation of the entire team: formulation or verification of the company’s mission, vision and values ​​- the basis for recruitment processes, effective communication, reducing turnover, building appropriate relationships and commitment in the long term;
    -Multigenerational management – benefits from establishing a constructive dialogue between people of different ages in the company (management board <=> managers <=> other team members);
    -Verification and / or development of internal documents (regulations / policies / content on the Career page [if any]);
    -Taking care of the well-being of employees in the company (mindfulness at work); meditation applications (Headspace, Buddhify, Ten Percent Happier, Calm, Mindfulness Daily, Stop, Breathe & Think, Portal – Focus, Sleep, Escape, Simple Habit. Methods of reducing stress, finding work-home balance, increasing efficiency.
  • -Analysis of the internal communication carried out so far, their adaptation to organizational needs and the expectations of diverse work teams
    -Preparation of a team development plan; determination of the expected competences of candidates; – reaching the desired target groups with information about the company’s cooperation possibilities (students-graduates-people with experience), acquiring and developing talents; Talent mapping,
    -Verification of existing or creation of team structures and hierarchies;
    -Development of a competency model and a payroll grid;
    -Implementation of the evaluation model (periodic or ongoing) and promotion criteria in the company, incl
    -Analysis of the internal communication carried out so far, their adaptation to organizational needs and the expectations of diverse working teams;
    the concept of dual career pathing – influence on motivation, willingness to stay with the company for longer, improvement of efficiency and commitment. Objectivization and transparency of the process, assumptions and the need to conduct moderation sessions.
    -Verification of the training needs of the team and management.
    -Other issues – according to the individual needs of the client.




11 +

Years on the market

100+ +


50+ +

Publications & Interviews

30 +

Years of experience

Why is it worth using the services of Shortlist Consulting?

Experience and knowledge

Effective implementation of client’s goals resulting from a unique combination of competences, knowledge and experience in the areas of business development, marketing communication, marketing and procurement.

Time and money saving

In-depth knowledge of the market of a marketing communication agencies, proven tools and processes tailored to individual needs allow us to avoid ineffective work and save resources, time and budget of the client.

Objective assessment

We guarantee full transparency and objectivity of the processes carried out, using the same tools for analysis and evaluation of all offers obtained from the market. The effects of our work are fully verifiable.